President's message


Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. "NELSON MANDELA "Education is an essential requirement for everyone in these modern days.

Giants education society has made great strides in the primary, and secondary education in the last 30 years of its existence. The credit for it must go to all involved, i.e., teachers, students, parents and the management.

Change is the essential feature of everything in the society in today. Presently not a day passes without some new invention, or innovation. Being introduced in the world .

What was fiction few years back, is a reality today . tremendous advances have taken place in the field of Science, Communication, Medicine, Agriculture etc. Man has landed on the moon, and has gone beyond. One can communicate with others thousands of milkmeter away in a fraction of a second .

Medicine has moved at a faster pace. With the advent of newer imagining techniques like MRI, Pet -Scans, earlier inaccecble ares are explored and treatments are given. Some diseases like Small pox and Polio have been eradicated.

The modern agricultural improvements have solved the food problem to a great extent, nearly 4 times more population is fed today, compares to the period immediately after independence. The advancement in Digital technology , A I, (Artificial Intelligence) and Robotics have changed the whole scenario in the world. If digital technology eased the way in banking and financial dealings Al and Robotics helped in dealing with elderly peoples problems. Robotics has helped in eased work in atomic reacters and other hazardous industries..

The modern advancements can be a boon or bane, depending upon its use..




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